Building Relationships in a COVID World

Building Relationships in a COVID World

Since returning to Partners in Learning this past September, I have enjoyed getting to know all the children and their families. The faces I knew in the spring had changed when I returned from being furloughed. Some familiar faces had grown and moved classes while...

Partners in Learning looking ahead on $8 million facility

Partners in Learning looking ahead on $8 million facility Salisbury PostBy Carl BlankenshipPublished  January 29, 2021   SALISBURY — Partners in Learning is hashing out the details for its new facility, beginning committee meetings for the structure on Martin...
5 Self-Care Strategies for Working Moms

5 Self-Care Strategies for Working Moms

5 Self-Care Strategies for Working Moms By: Heather Fidler  The day my first daughter was born, my life forever changed, and I felt I had to start acting like “a mom”, or at least what I thought one was.  I spent so much time soaking up every possible moment with the...