What a week (or 2-3 depending on location) we have had.  With the onset of COVID-19 and recently implemented “Stay At Home” orders, there have been local and national shifts as schools close and many of us are now working from home.  With these shifts, we know comes the difficulty of change and adjustment.  Below are some tips we’ve found helpful while working through this time.

SLOW DOWN…take time and get organized!

  1. Gather your thoughts & set your priorities
    • Make a schedule of activities…WRITE IT OUT
    • Written schedules are more likely to be followed
    • Plan out “Family Time” as well as “Alone Time”
    • Use pictures to assign tasks
    • Younger children respond better to pictures and images
  2. Pre-plan family activities (art time, exercise, board games, etc.)
    • Create Ask-Say-Do Teaching opportunities
    • How to make a PB&J, watering plants, science experiments
    • Read books together
    • If available, watch the movie version for a fun comparison
  3. Set Realistic Expectations
    • Anticipate adjustment pains
    • Change is hard for most people and children may not have the language to express these feelings
    • Talk to your children about changes and listen to any concerns they may have
    • They may be scared, anxious and uncertain about what is going on
    • They may be missing their teachers, friends, sports and other activities
    • Provide assurance during challenging times
    • Know that you and your children will get through it together AND let them know that as well
    • Allow yourself and your child(ren) some GRACE….stay flexible
  4. Self-Care
    • Determine what self-care looks like for you during this time

      • Quiet time in the morning before the kids wake up
      • Listening to music or watching your favorite movie once the kids are asleep
      • Exercising, drinking water, eating nutritious meals and snacks


*Source:  PIL Partner: Mecklenburg Triple P Cluster www.triplep-parenting.com


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