
On our childcare enrollment page, you’ll find information on our locations, directions, enrollment process, and rates. Additionally, at the bottom of the page, there’s a link to learn more about our school-age program.

Two Convenient 5-Star, Nationally Accredited Locations 

Welcome to Partners In Learning’s enrollment page, where you can discover everything you need to know about joining our exceptional early education program. We have two convenient, 5-star, nationally accredited locations to serve you:

Partners In Learning at the Woods 1775 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., Salisbury Explore our expansive campus situated off I-85, featuring on-site SECU Clinical and Family Services, 5 acres of adventure forest exploration, and an inviting outdoor classroom.

Partners In Learning at Novant 519 Best St., Salisbury Conveniently located in town with access to clinical and family services, enjoy our small campus, boasting three natural playgrounds and a covered outdoor learning area.

Early Education Enrollment Process:

  1. Schedule a Tour: Choose a center and register for one of our upcoming information and tour sessions. Check back periodically for updated availability.
  2. Attend a Session: Join us for a comprehensive tour and information session. Following the tour, your child can engage in “playtime” in the classroom, allowing us to assess their needs and temperament.
  3. Assessment and Consultation: Meet with our staff, complete assessments, and have all your questions answered to make an informed decision about enrollment.
  4. Admission Decision: Following the “playtime” visit, our enrollment director will discuss the admission decision based on developmental screenings, readiness, and observations.
  5. Secure Enrollment: Upon acceptance, secure your child’s spot by paying a $50.00 non-refundable registration fee. Please note that enrollment is subject to space availability.

We’ll keep you informed every step of the way. Once space becomes available, our enrollment director will arrange a visit for you and your child to complete all necessary forms. All enrollment forms must be submitted 48 hours before enrollment begins.

Woods Information Sessions 

At this time, we are only able to consider enrollment for school age and expecting parents. Please be patient with us as we are on a year long waiting list.

February 11th6pm

Novant Information Sessions

At this time we our facility does not have any openings. However, we are accepting tours for our waitlist for future enrollment.

February 5thNoon
February 19thNoon
March 5th6pm
March 25th6pm
April 9th6pm
April 16thNoon
May 14th6pm
May 28th6pm

Early Education Rates: July 1st, 2024

Class/ProgramWeekly Rate
Preschool Program 3-5 years$170
Two-Year-Old Classroom$198
Infant/Toddler Classroom$215
After-School Program$80
Wrap Around $100

Tuition payments are due on Monday by 6:00 p.m. for the current week. A late fee of $15 will be billed if not paid on time. Credit card payments are subject to a 3% transaction fee. 


Other Education Program Rates: July 1st, 2024

ProgramWeekly Rate
Holiday Drop-In NC Pre-K$34 per day
Holiday Drop-In Care K – 5 $31 per day
Summer Fun Camp$155
Pre-K (starting kindergarten in the fall)$170
Rising Kindergarten Summer Fun$170

Please note that a $60 program fee is due in September and March of each year (subsidy will not cover this cost) and an annual registration fee of $50 on your enrollment anniversary. 

*$15 if already enrolled in after-school care; $19 additional if already enrolled in wrap-around care up to 15 hours per week.



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