Waitlist FAQs
Welcome to our Waitlist FAQs page. We know that being on a long waiting list can be frustrating. We compiled these answers to questions parents frequently ask with the hope that this information will be helpful to you.
If you have a question that isn’t answered here, please call Partners In Learning and ask to speak to Aleshya Spruill at 704-638-9020.
Q: How long is the waiting list?
The waiting list is quite lengthy. Generally speaking, there are over 100 children on the waiting list at any given time throughout the year. For every enrolled child, nearly two are waiting to get in.
Q: If my child is still on the waiting list when he or she reaches toddler age (or preschool age) do I go to the bottom of the waiting list for that age group?
Your child’s name will be added to the toddler (or preschool) waiting list by your original date of application. His or her name will be higher on the list than those who applied after you did and lower on the list than those who applied before you did.
Q: How is it possible someone who applied after I did was offered a space before me?
The only priorities we offer are for children of Center staff, previously enrolled children returning from an authorized paid leave of absence, siblings of enrolled children, children with diverse needs, Catawba College employees, Food Lion employees, children in foster care, and subsidized children.
Aside from these priorities, it is possible for someone who applied after you to be offered a spot before you if any of the following situations apply:
- Your preferred start date is more than 30 days in the future.
- The opening is in a different age group (i.e. your child is toddler aged [16-35 months old] and the opening occurs in infants or your child is preschool aged [over 35 months old] and the opening is in toddlers).
- You did not return our calls within one week.
- Your telephone numbers had been disconnected.
- Your application is incomplete.
Q: When will I hear from you about where I am on the list?
It’s just not feasible for us to contact each of the waiting families to tell them where they are on the continually changing list. Movement on the waiting list is not just a result of enrollment offers accepted or declined. Waiting children grow older and move to the next age group list according to their application date. Only our waiting list coordinator, Aleshya Spruill is able to provide specific waiting list information. You may call her at 704-638-9020 or preferably, contact her by e-mail: aleshya@epartnersinlearning.org. She will be able to provide any additional information regarding your child’s status on the list.
Q: Can you recommend any other center or child care provider?
We don’t make recommendations for specific centers other than to tell you to look for one that is accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs. NAEYC’s Web site can provide you with a list of accredited centers. Also, look for a 5-Star-Rated Licensed facility by going to the North Carolina Division of Child Development website.